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The Buck 501 Squire knife is 3 3/4" long when closed, and only weighs 3 ounces, so you can see that it's a compact knife.
The blade is 2 3/4" long, and it's made of Buck's 420HC stainless.
This Buck folding knife has a traditional nail notch so you can open the blade with a finger nail.
The handle scales of this Buck knife are woodgrain, the bolsters are nickel silver, and the knife is contoured so that it's comfortable to hold on to while you're working with it.
This knife comes with a black leather sheath.
The Buck 501 Squire knife would be perfect for people who need a good knife to use in mixed company.
Take an office setting for example.
It's large enough to cut carpet, plastic sheeting, canvas, string, rope, cardboard, tape, etc.,
But thanks to its traditional style and trim dimensions, it wouldn't look threatening to anyone.
Or lets say you're barbequeing at the park on the weekend, and of course there are children around;
The Buck 501 Squire knife has the size to help you get lunch ready, and no one's parents are going to get nervous about you having it and using it in the park.
And I'd bet you can think of some situations yourself where this style of knife would fit just perfectly.
Take a good look at the Buck 501 Squire knife the next time you're in your favorite knife shop.
I think you'll probably agree: it would feel great on your belt, and at your side.
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